About Accounts App
The Accounts app is an easy to use application to replace your paper checkbook. With the Accounts app, you will have a quicker and more convenient way to track your daily finances. You can schedule transactions, create recurring payees list, transfer funds, reconcile, export data, view reports, graphs, sync data, and much more. All features of the Accounts app are designed to be quick, clean, intuitive, and easy to use.
I bought the new Accounts 3 app. How do I transfer my data from the Accounts 2 app to the Accounts 3 app?
To transfer your data from the Accounts 2 app to the Accounts 3 app, please go to the Settings view of the Acconts 2 app and select the 'NEW Accounts 3 App' option. From the pop up menu, choose 'Local Data Transfer' if both the Accounts 2 & 3 apps are on the same device. If they are on different devices, then please choose 'Email Data Transfer' and follow the instructions displayed.
Alternatively, you can use the Files Sharing interface to save the app data to your computer, then copy that data to the Accounts app. Please click on this link for instruction on how to use Files Sharing interface.
How do I transfer my Accounts data from my old iPhone/iPad onto a new device?
You can use the app's backup/restore feature to backup your data from the old device. Then use the backup of the data to restore to your new device. Please use the instructions below.
Alternatively, you can also transfer your Accounts data by using the Finder application on Mac devices.
Connect your device via a USB cable to your Mac
Select your your device and then choose "Files" from the options at the top of the Finders window.
Expand the Accounts2 entry and drag both the accounts.sql database file and the folder Receipts to your Mac.
Drag the accounts.sql database file and the folder Receipts from your Mac to the Accounts3 entry in the Finders window.
I just purchase the full version of the Accounts app after trying out the lite version. How do I transfer my data over from the lite to full version?
To transfer the data, you will need to have both the lite and full version installed on your device. Then go to the Settings view of the Lite version and touch on the "Copy Data to Full Version" option.
How do I enable Face ID or Touch ID authentication?
Launch the Accounts app and go to the Settings screen. Toggle the Passcode Lock to ON, if it is currently OFF. Then set your passcode and make sure to turn the option for Face ID or Touch ID to ON. If the Passcode option is already ON from the Settings screen, then touch on the blue link text next to the "Required" text. The Lock Option screen will be presented for you to enable Face ID or Touch ID. Alternatively, you can also toggle the Passcode Option switch to OFF and then ON to reset the passcode as well as the Face ID/Touch ID option.
How do I enter an opening balance for an account?
To enter an opening balance, you will need to select an account and create a new transaction. Enter "Opening Balance" for the transaction name field. Then enter the amount and choose the the "+" on the "+/-" button bar to indicate that it is a deposit amount.
To prevent the opening balance from appearing in the report as an income or expens, select the '*Exclude from Reports' as the category for the transaction.
How do I keep data in sync on multiple devices?
Option A: iCloud Sync
To use this feature, please go to the Settings screen of the app and tap on the 'iCloud Sync' option. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen. If you need additional detail, please click on this link.
Option B: Email Transaction Sharing
First, make sure that the iCloud Sync feature is disabled from the Settings screen. Next, select any account to go to the transaction list screen and click on the 'Share' button on the bottom. Click on the settings button that shows up to the right and choose 'Set Peer Email' and enter your partner's email address. Click on the setting button again and choose 'Confirm Sharing on Save' to enable transaction sharing when a transaction is saved. Now every time you enter a new transaction, you will be asked if you want to send that transaction to your partner. If you choose yes, then a link containing the transaction will be sent to the partner's email address. Your partner can then click on the email link to post the transaction to his or her Accounts app.
How do I reorder transactions that occurs on the same day to match my bank statement?
You can reorder transactions occurring on the same date by updating the transaction in the order that they occur in your statement. For this to work, remember to tap on the date field (but do not change the date) for each of the transactions before saving the transaction. Tapping on the date field will indicate that you want to change the time portion of the date for the purpose of reordering.
How do I split a transaction among different categories?
You can create a split transaction by selecting the category button from the transaction entry screen and then selecting the Split button on the bottom of the category selection screen. Finally, enter the split amounts for the various categories and touch on the 'Done' button.
How do I use the reconcile feature of the Accounts app?
Reconciling is done by checking or unchecking the gray square box next to the transaction to mark it as being cleared or outstanding. The Total Cleared balance and Total Outstanding balance will be updated instantly as you check/uncheck each transaction.
To reduce clutter by hiding transactions that are already reconciled, please go to Settings screen and toggle the 'Hide Reconciled Transactions' switch to the off position.
Does the Accounts application support transfer of fund between accounts?
Yes, you can make a transfer by clicking on the meu icon on the bottom right of the Accounts or Transactions screen.
Choose 'Transfer' and then select the 'from' account and 'to' account. Enter the amount to transfer and tap on Save.
How do I schedule a recurring transactions?
Touch on the 'Recurring' tab bar button on the bottom. Next, click on the + button to the add a recurring transaction. Fill in the information and click on the 'Save' button.
Does the Account app supports exporting of data in CSV, QIF, or HTML format?
Yes, the Accounts app supports export of transactions via email. To export, just touch the menu icon on the bottom right of the accounts or transactions screen and then select 'Export Transactions'. Then select the data format (CSV, QIF, or HTML) that you want to export with and tap on the 'Send' button.
Can I change the currency to € as I live in Europe?
Yes, the Accounts app supports the euro currency along with many other currencies. It also supports English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish languages.
To enable the Accounts app to use a different language or a currency, you must set the iPhone's settings to your preferred language and region format.
Than set your language and region format accordingly.
Is there a way for me to prevent accidental deletion of an account?
Yes, you can use the Settings Page to lock deletions of accounts. If you then try to delete an account with the lock on, you will get a reminder to first unlock the deletion from the settings screen. Once you are done deleting the desired account, then you can set the delete lock back on to protect your data.
How do I update an account name or other account properties?
To update an account, tap on the Edit button from the main view. Then tap on the circle 'i' button. Tap on Save when you are done.
From the account update screen you can edit properties such as account name, icon, next check #, or the 'include balance in total of all accounts' attribute.
How can I reorder the accounts from the main view?
From the main view, click on the Edit button. Then drag the icon (with 3 horizontal lines) to the right of the account name to reorder the account. Click Done when you are finish reordering.
How do I change the email address for transaction sharing with another iPhone?
To change the email address for transaction sharing, please follow the steps below:
From the main screen, select an account to go to a transaction register.
Click on the 'Share' button at the bottom of the register screen and click on the flywheel button that shows up to the right of it.
Finally, click on 'Set Peer Email' to set the transaction sharing email address.
I forgot my Accounts app's passcode. How do I recover it?
Your passcode is stored locally in the database of the Accounts app on your device. In order to retrieve the passcode, you will have to download the database file on your computer by using the Finder's file sharing feature. Then you can use a database client such as an online one from https://sqliteviewer.app to view the content of the database. The passcode is stored in the Settings table under the column password. Please careful not to update any data directly from the database, as this can corrupt the database and break the application..
Please refer to the FAQ section for answers to commonly asked questions about each of our apps. If you need additional support, feel free to submit your question as part of a review on the App Store. We will do our best to respond to your inquiry there so that the information can benefit other users as well.
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